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Introduction to Aromabirth: Empowering Your Wellness Journey

When navigating essential oil usage during pregnancy, having information from an accurate, well-researched source is of utmost importance. Stephanie McBride, beyond her personal education and clinical experience, has gone the extra mile to ensure the reliability of her insights. She has meticulously studied every relevant book and research study on this topic, actively led case studies, and conducted global interviews with midwives to gather valuable anecdotal evidence regarding the benefits and risks of aromatherapy in childbearing.

Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

A Collaborative Approach

Throughout her journey, Stephanie has collaborated with a dedicated group of international partners, midwives, publishers, business mentors, and wellness practitioners. Together, they are committed to making a positive impact on people's lives, particularly in the realms of aromatherapy and nutrition for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. Their combined expertise is recognized globally, with resources available in seven languages.

Join us on a transformative journey towards a healthier and happier life, guided by the collective knowledge and genuine desire to help others. Get ready to embark on this exciting adventure with Aromabirth!

About Stephanie

Stephanie, a best-selling author on this subject, has shared her extensive knowledge in her comprehensive book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," published in nine languages. As an international public speaker, certified clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and aromatherapist, her expertise spans a spectrum of overlapping disciplines. Rest assured, your journey into the realm of essential oil safety in pregnancy is guided by capable and knowledgeable hands, ensuring you receive the most reliable and informed guidance for a safe and positive experience.

Stephanie's Background and Qualifications

  • University of Oregon with a duel Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies and English Literature.
  • Extensive post-graduate academic studies, medicinal studies internship, and international field studies.
  • Certifications for Clinical Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Functional Nutritionist, and Reiki Master-teacher.
Contact Stephanie

Author Interview